Wednesday, July 16, 2014


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Hapa kuna taarifa muhimu za Rapper Johnson ambaye alimake headline katika mitandao mbalimbali mwezi April. Lililowashangaza wengi ni kitendo chake cha kuukata Uume wake mwenyewe na kujirusha Ghorofani, lakini kwa bahati nzuri  alifanikiwa kuponea chupuchupu.  Jana katika Mahojiano na kipindi cha Televison cha E! News exclusively  aliulizwa swali Muhimu sana " Kwa nini alichukua uamuzi wake wa kuukata UUME WAKE na angewezaje kuishi bila kiungo muhimu kama hicho katika Mwili wake...Na hii ndiyo kauli zlizozitoa Rapper huyu:'


Yes, I was using drugs that night, but I was in complete control. I cut it off because that was the root of all my problems. My solution to the problem was the realization that sex is for mortals, and I am a god…Those kinds of activities got me into trouble, and I came here to be a god.”

Sasa kukawa na uvumi kuwa sasa Rapper huyo ana Uume mwingine na hichi ndicho alichokisema...
“Doctor’s weren’t able to repair anything. But, it still gets hard, the little bit that I got. I still got some penis that works. It’s not the size of the prize, it’s the motion of the ocean. There’s no mystery to it, but they couldn’t reattach it. A penis is a penis is a penis.”“I wasn’t having that much sex up to that point anyways. My days of reproducing are over. But now I’m a reborn man.”