Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Kafulila kuburuzwa kortini, kuilipa IPTL, PAP mil 100

Aliyekuwa mbunge wa Kigoma Kusini, David Kafulila.
KAMPUNI ya IPTL pamoja na Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa PAP Harbinder Sigh Seth, wamemfungulia kesi aliyekuwa mbunge wa Kigoma Kusini, David Kafulila katika Mahakama ya Hakimu Mkazi Kisutu wakitaka awalipe shilingi za milioni 100. Wakili aliyefungua kesi hiyo kwa niaba ya mteja wake anasema, wanataka mahakama kumuamuru David Kafulila alipe fedha hizo kwa kuwakashifu kuwa wamechukua fedha kwenye akaunti ya Tegeta/Escrow kinyume cha sheria.
Independent Power Tanzania Limited (IPTL), Pan African Power Solutions Limited (PAP) and PAP Chief Executive Director Harbinder Sigh Seth, have filed a civil case at Kisutu Court in Dar es Salaam claiming TZS 100 million against outgoing Kigoma South (NCCR-Mageuzi), David Kafulila.
In the matter filed by their attorney Augustine Kusalika, the plaintiffs are praying for the court to order Mr. Kafulila to pay the said amount of money for defamation after accusing them of obtaining money from the Tegeta/Escrow account illegally.
It was said that, on various occasions within and outside the parliament, Kafulila accused PAP and Seth of obtaining TZS 200 million from escrow account illegally.
The plaintiffs also request the court to order Kafulila to pay them any estimated amount by court in relation to the accusations made against them and loss/damages done to the image and status of their business and general compensation due to the disturbance they underwent from the alleged accusations.
Apart from compensations sought, the plaintiffs request the court to order the defendant to withdraw all the accusations made against them, which according to them have ruined their reputations. They also prayed to the court that it should order him to appologise to them.
Other prayers sought are costs of the case, interest of any amount of money they claim by court’s percentage, and other remedies that court would deem fit to award the plaintiffs.
The plaint further said, in the awkward situation, Kafulila without any credibility within and outside the parliament decided to spread accusations against the first and third plaintiffs including social media (Jamii Forum, Twitter and Facebook.
The plaint also maintains the respondent has been giving insulting statements by calling the third plaintiff ‘Singasinga’ something which destroyed his image leading to poor running of his business with the first and second plaintiffs.
The plaint also points that Kafulila being the MP is protected from legal actions that can be taken against him for what he said in the parliament, but it has expressed that such information and accusations have been spread by the respondent outside the parliament.
According to the plaint, the defendant is still spreading such insulting information and accusations against the plaintiffs despite being supplied with a written statement that required him to stop spreading such information in the society.
Judging, from their prayers, if the plaintaiffs prevail over the Kigoma legislator who is together with the Zitto Kabwe, another outgoing Kigoma legislator for bringing up the escrow account scandal in which Government reportedly lost billions, he might have to himself suffer a losses in hundreds of millions or more.
Source: Pesatimes